Become a Patron
Now is the time for you to make a difference in a young festival maker's life. By becoming a Patron, you contribute to a new festival maker's participation in one of The Festival Academy's upcoming Ateliers, allowing them to join this growing and inspiring community of global festival leaders.

The support of Patrons is fundamental for The Festival Academy. All donations from Patrons will be used to to support the participation of young festival makers from all over the world, especially those from under-resourced regions, in our programmes. This means that your donation will be used to cover Atelier fees and international travel costs for participants selected under bursary schemes, with clear need of support.
By supporting these new participants, you are helping upskill and better equip future actors of change with an impact on their communities and globally. You are offering the unique experience of an Atelier (as you once had) to someone who might otherwise not find the means to.
There is no minimum amount for contributions, and Patrons are free to define the frequency in which they want to donate. A suggested contribution of €120 per year, or €10 per month, is recommended.

Providing the Atelier experience to a peer young festival maker is the greatest benefit of becoming a Patron. Therefore, all Patrons receive special communication about the impact of their donations so they can see the practical effects of their goodwill.
Patrons are kept informed about The Festival Academy's activities through our regular Newsletters and communications. At the end of each year, Patrons will be thanked namely in our End of the Year Newsletter.
Patrons are also entitled to participate as guests in hybrid sessions with internationally renowned speakers. They are also welcome to join in-person Ateliers as guests.
Upon request, all Patrons are entitled to receive detailed information about the use of their specific sponsorship.