Apply now to co-curate Theater of The World 2026 in Chemnitz!

Deadline 9 June 2024

Germanys most important international performing arts festival 'Theater der Welt' (Theatre of the World) will take place in 2026 in the City of Chemnitz. The Festival Academy is honoured to be partnering with Die Theater Chemnitz and the European Capital of Culture Chemnitz 2025, together with the German Section of the International Theatre Institute to redefine the boundaries of festival curation. We are delighted to announce a unique opportunity for curators from The Festival Academy’s/ITI Academy’s Alumni community:

We are jointly calling for experienced curators to apply for co-curating Theater der Welt 2026. We are searching for curators who are committed to the transformative power of the arts and who are interested to be part of an innovative approach to curation.

The curational approach we envision with ‘Theatre of the World 2026 in Chemnitz - A Festival of the International Theatre Institute (ITI)’ is based on our belief in the power of collective imagination. In a world increasingly defined by boundaries, divisions, and singular narratives we need counter-stories to be told. Our approach is a statement of art's capacity to transcend borders and to create dialogue. We aim to provide a platform for artists from underrepresented regions from all around the globe to share their narratives.

We call for curators who are not just adept in the arts but also visionary in their commitment to equity and inclusivity. The enivsioned curational process demands a collaborative spirit in a team that weaves together the threads of the main themes of partnership, equality, sustainability, interdisciplinarity, and digitality into a coherent narrative for the festival to activate art’s potential for transformative change.

The European Capital of Culture Chemnitz, die Theater Chemnitz and The Festival Academy believe that festivals are bridging platforms through which we can create connections that remind us of our collective humanity. Theater der Welt 2026 Chemnitz wants to be an invitation to curators, artists, as well as audiences to explore, to embrace, and to celebrate our shared human experience.

What is it about?

Collective Curation: For the first time in history, 'Theater der Welt' will be curated by single individuals working in a collective artistic team consisting of 6 to 8 curators from all continents out of TFA/ITI Alumni community.

Capacity Building: 6 to 8 selected curators with individual perspectives will design the festival in a process of knowledge exchange and respect for differences. The Festival Academy, Capital of Culture Chemnitz 2025 and Die Theater Chemnitz will support this process with an intensive 2-year capacity-building program for the curators selected which includes peer learning, mentoring, and networking.

Innovation and Equity: The partners are committed to innovative and equitable models of curation. We aim to change dominant narratives, amplify voices from underrepresented regions, and counter authoritarianism and divisive narratives. The geographic focus of the curation is inclusive and fully global.

Global Community: We aim to activate our global community of curators and further strengthening connections with this long-term collaboration.

New Curatorial Models: We are interested in exploring new curatorial models, including curating from within the regions, respecting sustainable traveling, and embracing multiple perspectives

Make sure to apply till 9 June 2024! 

Find the application form here! 

Find a preview of the application form here.

If you have any questions or inquiries about the project, please don’t hesitate to contact us via fabiola@thefestivalacademy/ info@thefestivalacademy. 

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