The Festival Visit of Giortes Rokkas was open to 10 Alumni of The Festival Academy community. Members of our Alumni community are the ones who have participated in at least one of our training programmes in the past.

What was offered:

  • Access to the full festival programme.
  • In depth exchange with the people who run the festival, the villagers, the local community on their artistic vision,  their work processes, the why and how of the festival.
  • Connection and networking with Alumni of The Festival Academy and reflection amongst an international crowd on the festival.
  • Accommodation for 5 nights in shared double rooms in The Orthodox Academy (check-in 17 August, check-out 22 August 2023)
  • One meal per day
  • Local transport with the festival vehicles

What was not included:

  • National or international travel costs
  • Visa costs
  • Insurance
  • Extra meals