
The pilot edition of "Digital (R)Evolution: A Communication & New Technologies Training" took place between 22-25 January 2020, in Antwerp - Belgium. Organised in partnership with deSingel, this 4-day long training programme brought together 12 festival managers and artists coming from 11 different countries to critically reflect on the subject of digitalisation and the use of new technologies in the festivals’ field.


The first edition of Digital (R)Evolution has just come to an end. Have a look at our Facebook page and at the news to have a taste of what these four intense and inspiring days have meant for our participants!

Pilot edition of Digital (R)Evolution - diving into the wealth and risks of what new technologies mean for the arts. 

The arts are part of the digital revolution over the past years. What does this rapidly changing evolution mean for the arts, for a festivals’ artistic offer, its possibilities and the restrictions brought along in the new digital world?  

Digitalisation offers a wealth of new possibilities allowing people to make choices in an unprecedented way. On the other hand, the more digitalisation dominates our life, the more we can also undergo its risks. Exchange of knowledge in this field is needed; as well as critical forward-thinking and a say on regulations. How can new technologies be used to persuade more people to take part in a festival and access the arts, what are the ethics related to this, how do new technologies help to position a festival and its artistic offer on the public level, and how far does this guarantee autonomy when making choices? Can we use new technologies to advocate for social change? 

The first edition took place between 22-25 January 2020, in Antwerp - Belgium, organised in partnership with deSingel, one of the most prestigious multidisciplinary arts centres in Belgium. It brought together 12 festival managers and artists coming from 11 different countries.

You can access the full programme here and the group of participants there.

You can read the final ACT Report for the Atelier here